Current Events – (How to Avoid) The Failure of Ravi Zacharias, Part 5

This week on the blog, I’ve been talking about the recent news of the awful failure of Ravi Zacharias. He is one in a long line of abusive leaders, and started with the first post here I’ve attempted to tell his story and how we might respond to it. As I mentioned in some ofContinue reading “Current Events – (How to Avoid) The Failure of Ravi Zacharias, Part 5”

Current Events – The Failure of Ravi Zacharias, Part 4

This week its Current Events week on the blog, and I’ve been been writing a five-part series about the failure of Ravi Zacharias (so far you can read part one, part two, part three, and this is part four). How do we respond to such a grievous failure? It seems to me the primary responseContinue reading “Current Events – The Failure of Ravi Zacharias, Part 4”

Current Events – The Failure of Ravi Zacharias, Part 3

This week we’re talking about the failure of Ravi Zacharias. In the first post, I wrote about how Zacharias was for me and many others a mentor from afar, but how it has been revealed that he lived a double-life. In the second post, we looked how Jesus’ disciple, Peter, wrote about the story ofContinue reading “Current Events – The Failure of Ravi Zacharias, Part 3”

Current Events – The Failure of Ravi Zacharias, Part 2

In yesterday’s post, I told the story of Ravi Zacharias’ moral failure. How did this happen?  The reasons are typical for leadership failure.  There was a decades-long lack of accountability.  Zacharias had too much control and authority in his organization.  He was alone in many ways.  He was also extremely intelligent and convincing, able toContinue reading “Current Events – The Failure of Ravi Zacharias, Part 2”

Current Events – The Failure of Ravi Zacharias, Part 1

It’s Current Events week on the blog.  For the past year, one week per quarter I pause whatever blog series we’re in, and I scan the news on Monday morning to see what headline I’ll write about that week.  My goal is that we learn how to engage what is happening in our world.  WeContinue reading “Current Events – The Failure of Ravi Zacharias, Part 1”

Worship services are not enough – Colossians 1:20-23, Part 5

I recently saw a conversation between two people on social media. One is often outspoken about their Christian beliefs.  That person began the conversation by writing a post angrily condemning people who are of a different political persuasion.  Many people responded with supportive comments, but one person disagreed, confronting the Christian writer. I don’t knowContinue reading “Worship services are not enough – Colossians 1:20-23, Part 5”

What I learned about reconciliation from a guy who drove through my mailbox – Colossians 1:20-23, Part 4

A year or so ago, we were in our living room at night watching TV, and we heard a loud crashing sound out front. I went to the front porch, opened the door, and saw a car had skidded off the road, right through our mailbox, across our front lawn, tearing up two tire-streaks ofContinue reading “What I learned about reconciliation from a guy who drove through my mailbox – Colossians 1:20-23, Part 4”

Is it possible to be an enemy of God and not know it? – Colossians 1:20-23, Part 3

Are you an enemy of God? Are you and God strangers? Neither of those? How are you and God doing? How would your friends and family answer that question about you? About themselves and their relationship with God? Do people think of themselves as Paul put it in Colossians 1:21, that they are alienated fromContinue reading “Is it possible to be an enemy of God and not know it? – Colossians 1:20-23, Part 3”

When Christians shouldn’t be so confident they’re going to heaven – Colossians 1:20-23, Part 2

We Christians tend to be pretty confident we are going to heaven when we die. Should we be so assured? In the previous post, we saw in Colossians 1:10 that God wants to be reconciled with all people. Usually Christians think of themselves as already reconciled to God, and other people as the ones whoContinue reading “When Christians shouldn’t be so confident they’re going to heaven – Colossians 1:20-23, Part 2”

You can be in a close relationship with God – Colossians 1:20-23, Part 1

What is broken in your life?  I hate to start off this week’s blog posts on such a dark note, but so many of us have broken relationships, broken situations, and they really concern us, taking loads of emotional energy, time and sometimes money.  How do we heal what is broken? I think about ourContinue reading “You can be in a close relationship with God – Colossians 1:20-23, Part 1”