Why the Seven Deadly Sins are not deadly, but we should still pay attention to them – Ezekiel 25-28, Preview

Have you heard of the Seven Deadly Sins?  The title of the list conveys the idea that if you commit those sins, you will die.  People believe there is such a list in the Bible called “The Seven Deadly Sins,” but there is no such list in the Bible.  While there are numerous lists ofContinue reading “Why the Seven Deadly Sins are not deadly, but we should still pay attention to them – Ezekiel 25-28, Preview”

Sex and death: Is God’s way best? – Ezekiel 24, Part 5

This week in Ezekiel chapter 24, we’ve learned at least two important things about God’s heart.  First, his desire for holiness, and in particular, how that relates to human sexuality.  Second, his desire for us to trust him when it seems he has allowed something terribly unfair in our lives, in particular the death ofContinue reading “Sex and death: Is God’s way best? – Ezekiel 24, Part 5”

Did God kill Ezekiel’s wife? – Ezekiel 24, Part 4

Does it sometimes seem like God is unfair? Over the years in my role as pastor, when people lose a loved one, they often not only ask “Why did they have to die?”, but also, “Why did God do this?” They will even ask why God took their loved one if that loved one isContinue reading “Did God kill Ezekiel’s wife? – Ezekiel 24, Part 4”

God’s sexual ethics – Ezekiel 24, Part 3

What is sexually appropriate? There are lots of opinions about the answer to that question. Is there an unbiased outside perspective that can help us answer this question? Those of a Judeo-Christian way of thinking point to the Hebrew and Christian Bible as the authoritative source of understanding God’s heart on the issue. Of course,Continue reading “God’s sexual ethics – Ezekiel 24, Part 3”

The Parable of the Cooking Pot and the abortion debate – Ezekiel 24, Part 2

In recent weeks, the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice debate has once again made national news in the USA. The state of Texas recently passed laws restricting abortion, and the US Supreme Court is set to hear arguments about a case, leading some pundits to suggest that the court could topple Roe v Wade. The country hasContinue reading “The Parable of the Cooking Pot and the abortion debate – Ezekiel 24, Part 2”

When “Just trust in the Lord” is easier said than done – Ezekiel 24, Part 1

Have you ever had one of those moments when you prayed, “Lord, what is going on with my life?”  Have you ever had a moment when it seems like things are going off the rails, and you know the classic bible verse, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart,” but you think, “Easier saidContinue reading “When “Just trust in the Lord” is easier said than done – Ezekiel 24, Part 1″

When God asks you to trust him and it is too difficult – Ezekiel 24, Preview

Do the people in your family trust that God’s way is the best way for people to live?  What about your neighbors?  Do you friends and co-workers believe that Jesus actually lived the best possible life?  Do they think to themselves, “Jesus is amazing!  I want to learn from him how to live!”? What weContinue reading “When God asks you to trust him and it is too difficult – Ezekiel 24, Preview”

When we ignore social justice, we ignore Jesus – Ezekiel 21-23, Part 5

Anytime injustice is present in a society, it breaks God’s heart. As we learned in the previous post, injustice was quite prevalent in Israel. The people of Jerusalem had rebelled against God, some committing injustice, others ignoring the ones who committed it. To illustrate this awful rebellion, God has one more very intense story toContinue reading “When we ignore social justice, we ignore Jesus – Ezekiel 21-23, Part 5”

When God looks for one person to practice social justice, and he finds none – Ezekiel 21-23, Part 4

Preaching the content of the Gospel vs. Doing the deeds of the Gospel…which is more important? In the first post, I tried to argue that we need both. The deeds of the Gospel are many, and one important area is social justice. Some Christians teach that social justice is not necessary for the Gospel. IContinue reading “When God looks for one person to practice social justice, and he finds none – Ezekiel 21-23, Part 4”

How false worship and social injustice grieve God – Ezekiel 21-23, Part 3

As we continue studying Ezekiel 21-23, God asks Ezekiel to perform another skit to dramatize the invasion of Israel by foreign armies.  Look at Ezekiel 21, verses 18-23.  Ezekiel is to make what was probably marks in the dirt in front of his house, illustrating two roads.  Much like children would do with their toysContinue reading “How false worship and social injustice grieve God – Ezekiel 21-23, Part 3”