Do you have relationships that need rehab?

Do you have any people in your life that you feel are just hard to get along with?  Think about the people in your family.  Any family members rub you the wrong way?  What about school?  Is there a person that you really struggle with?  Maybe that classmate, when you see that they are inContinue reading “Do you have relationships that need rehab?”

Why our worship services are not good enough (and God might even hate them)

Worship services could actually be keeping us from worship.  Sound impossible? Peter Rollins, in his book Insurrection, suggests that it’s actually very possible.  In the Old Testament, God pointed out to the nation of Israel that their worship was not acceptable to him.  They were going through the motions of worship, but they weren’t actuallyContinue reading “Why our worship services are not good enough (and God might even hate them)”

Could a church worship service be a bad thing?

Did you have a security blanket as a kid?  Maybe it was a special stuffed animal or a pacifier.  Or did you suck your thumb? I had a blanket as a child.  My own kids had a variety of security items, which got progressively bizarre.  Child #1 carried around a blanket, which we had snuglyContinue reading “Could a church worship service be a bad thing?”

How the church has gotten in the way of God’s Kingdom…and what to do about it.

The subtitle of author Reggie McNeal’s book Kingdom Come, is compelling: “why we must give up our obsession with fixing the church—and what we should do instead”.  That grabbed me!  In the book, he tells the story of when he was at a conference for pastors and said this:  “We’ve been working at fixing theContinue reading “How the church has gotten in the way of God’s Kingdom…and what to do about it.”

Why we’re getting rid of the word “evangelical” from our church sign

Evangelicals are in the news!  Donald Trump recently met with Evangelical leaders.  I have seen so many articles about Evangelicals and politics these past few weeks.  Some signaling the demise of evangelicalism.  Some talking about the decline of evangelical influence. What in the world is an Evangelical, anyway? We are Faith Evangelical Congregational Church.  WeContinue reading “Why we’re getting rid of the word “evangelical” from our church sign”