We can’t be Jesus’ disciples without helping others also become his disciples – Becoming Disciplemakers, Part 5

When Jesus commissioned his disciples to make disciples, they did so. Their disciples continued the mission, making more disciples. 2 Timothy 2:2 is a wonderful vision of this cycle, as Paul tells Timothy to teach people who will be able to teach more people. That’s four generations of disciples in just one verse! We ChristiansContinue reading “We can’t be Jesus’ disciples without helping others also become his disciples – Becoming Disciplemakers, Part 5”

How to change – Becoming Disciplemakers, Part 4

How do people change? How do people who are following Jesus become more like Jesus? An extremely important way to begin is to humbly and teachably read his word and ask the Spirit of God to convict you of any sin in your life that needs to be changed.  The next step is to shareContinue reading “How to change – Becoming Disciplemakers, Part 4”

The failure of the American church’s educational model of discipleship – Becoming Disciplemakers, Part 3

We’ve been talking about what Jesus meant in Matthew 7, verse 21, when he says that the only ones who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven are those who do the will of the father in heaven. What is his will?  Jump ahead to Matthew 16:24-28.  Jesus says it clear as day: “If anyone wouldContinue reading “The failure of the American church’s educational model of discipleship – Becoming Disciplemakers, Part 3”

The time Jesus told people “Depart from me!” – Becoming Disciplemakers, Part 2

What is discipleship? It is crossing The Matthew 7 line. Our Faith Church logo has four squares, with a vertical line in the middle.  We call that the Matthew 7 line.  Let me explain. In Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus teaches one of his most important, I think, and revealing parables.  What he says there, I callContinue reading “The time Jesus told people “Depart from me!” – Becoming Disciplemakers, Part 2″

What discipleship is and isn’t – Becoming Disciplemakers, Part 1

In our study through the Gospel of John, we have seen Jesus interact with his disciples. Their relationship began in chapter 1 when Jesus showed up to be baptized by John.  Then the disciples watch him at the wedding in Cana in chapter 2.  They’re with him when he clears out the temple.  In chaptersContinue reading “What discipleship is and isn’t – Becoming Disciplemakers, Part 1”

Why believing is just the beginning – Becoming Disciplemakers: Preview

How do we help people who are not currently followers of Jesus become followers of Jesus?  I ask that question admittedly making the assumption that being a follower of Jesus is the best possible way of life, holding hope for both abundant life now and eternal life in the future. I recognize that many peopleContinue reading “Why believing is just the beginning – Becoming Disciplemakers: Preview”

God has an important role for you in his mission – John 4:27-42, Part 5

In the previous post, Jesus taught his disciples that they should see themselves as harvesters. He wasn’t referring to harvesting in the farming world, but harvesting for God’s Kingdom. Jesus was saying that just as they were his disciples, their mission was to help more people become his disciples. Just then, something happened to illustrateContinue reading “God has an important role for you in his mission – John 4:27-42, Part 5”

Jesus’ unlikely harvest in an unlikely place – John 4:27-42, Part 4

I live in Lancaster, Pennsylvania’s farm country. My back yard is adjacent to a corn field, so just a few weeks ago we watched as harvesters brought in the corn at night. Other years we’ve watched the combines mowing down the fields and spraying a golden stream of kernels into trailers. Harvest is a normalContinue reading “Jesus’ unlikely harvest in an unlikely place – John 4:27-42, Part 4”

The food that gives Jesus life – John 4:27-42, Part 3

What gives you life? Being with friends or family? Your job? Perhaps a hobby? Serving as a volunteer? Reading? Exercise? Art? Music? As we continue studying John 4:27-42, we learn what gives Jesus life. Earlier in the chapter, Jesus had a thought-provoking conversation with a Samaritan woman. They had a chance meeting around a wellContinue reading “The food that gives Jesus life – John 4:27-42, Part 3”

What to do when you meet Jesus – John 4:27-42, Part 2

In John 4:1-42, there are two major themes running side-by-side.  The first we talked about last week: Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman about worship.  Now this week, we’re looking at Jesus’ interaction with his disciples during this episode.  They travel with Jesus from Judea, heading north to Galilee. When they arrive in the SamaritanContinue reading “What to do when you meet Jesus – John 4:27-42, Part 2”