Can you feel others’ pain? – Advent Psalm of Thanksgiving

The Netflix show Black Mirror is about the future.  Each episode is a standalone, with no connection to the rest of the episodes, so they’re like mini-movies.  The theme of Black Mirror is to imagine what the future will be like if medicine, artificial intelligence, social media and electronics continue to advance.  In particular, BlackContinue reading “Can you feel others’ pain? – Advent Psalm of Thanksgiving”

The Crown and how to have love that endures – Honest Advent Week 2, Part 5

My wife, Michelle, and I recently watched season 4 of The Crown on Netflix, a show about the current monarchy in England.  The more I watch that show, the more I think it should be called “The Marriage.”  Most of the central story lines are deeply affected by the various marriages of the characters.  NotContinue reading “The Crown and how to have love that endures – Honest Advent Week 2, Part 5”

Are social media companies making promises they can’t fulfill? – Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12, Part 4

Have you seen the recent commercials by Facebook or Tik Tok? Look at the smiles and joy emanating from the people in the commercials. What message would you say these commercials are sending? Here’s what I think the message is: “If you participate in our network you will experience joyful life, true community, fulfillment andContinue reading “Are social media companies making promises they can’t fulfill? – Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12, Part 4”

Is it true that, “when Christ calls us, he bids us come and die”? – Acts 21, Part 1

I recently watched a few episodes of Netflix’s series Greatest Events of World War 2 in Color.  The series is actual footage from World War 2, but the footage, which was originally in black and white, has been colorized.  If you’ve ever watched black and white newsreel of events in World War 2 it canContinue reading “Is it true that, “when Christ calls us, he bids us come and die”? – Acts 21, Part 1″

Jesus’ classic burn of the religious leaders – Matthew 21:1-17, Part 4

I recently watched Netflix’ series Messiah. It depicts what might happen if a christ-figure entered our contemporary world. The series was intriguing because it kept you guessing. Was he Jesus? Or an imposter? Maybe a terrorist? What were his real motivations? Were his miracles tricks or real? Were his teachings good news or were theyContinue reading “Jesus’ classic burn of the religious leaders – Matthew 21:1-17, Part 4”

How to have victory over envy and jealousy – Second Sunday of Advent, Part 5

Throughout Advent this year, we are examining our longings. During this second week, we have been studying Psalm 73, learning what to do with envy and jealousy. If this is the first post you are reading in this series of five, I urge you to go back and start at the beginning, as the psalmist,Continue reading “How to have victory over envy and jealousy – Second Sunday of Advent, Part 5”

God helps those who help themselves? [False ideas Christians believe about…difficulty. Part 3]

“If you are unemployed and need a job, and you pray for a job, don’t expect God to give you a job if all you do is collect unemployment while you sit on the couch all day watching Netflix and eating chips. Stop making excuses and get to the unemployment office!” What do you thinkContinue reading “God helps those who help themselves? [False ideas Christians believe about…difficulty. Part 3]”

A biblical murder mystery? [Crime & Punishment – Deuteronomy 21, part 1]

Do you like crime dramas? Last year I watched a Netflix documentary called Making A Murderer.  It was gripping, often feeling like an extended episode of the TV show, Law & Order.  There were many interesting characters and plot twists, but in this documentary, all of it was real.  No actors.  Real interviews. Courtroom andContinue reading “A biblical murder mystery? [Crime & Punishment – Deuteronomy 21, part 1]”