Pastor, that’s the dumbest thing you ever said – Speaking life to each other, Part 4

This week I welcome guest blogger, Kirk Marks. Kirk is a retired pastor, having served 30+ years in both local churches with his wife, Debbie, and in denominational administration. He has also taught theology and led a pastoral assessment center for many years. He and Debbie, along with their two daughters and son-in-law are membersContinue reading “Pastor, that’s the dumbest thing you ever said – Speaking life to each other, Part 4”

What brings you life? – Speaking life to one other, Preview

What brings you life? I enjoy coffee.  A good workout or run.  Most any book.  A great TV show or film, especially if it’s sci-fi.  I could list many more activities that bring me life. What do you notice about the direction of what I’ve listed above?  The activities I’ve listed all move in theContinue reading “What brings you life? – Speaking life to one other, Preview”

Overcoming “I don’t care” – Caring for one another, Preview

Ever been involved in a conversation like this in your home? Person #1: “What would you like for dinner tonight?”   Person #2: “I don’t care. I’m okay with whatever.” Person #1: “But I need you to give me something to go on.  What are you hungry for?” Person #2: “Seriously. Anything.  I don’t care.  WhateverContinue reading “Overcoming “I don’t care” – Caring for one another, Preview”

The important lesson pets can teach us about trust – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Part 4

My dog turned 9 years old earlier last month.  It is likely he only has at most a few more years to live.  That is to be expected.  Dogs make it 12-15 years and die.  It is sad.  It will be sad.  But many people get past the sadness, and they get a new dog. Continue reading “The important lesson pets can teach us about trust – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Part 4”

What it means that Jesus is the embodiment of the way, the truth and the life – John 14:1-14, Part 3

Jesus has just told his disciples, in so many words, “If you don’t feel like you are at home with God, or that God is at home with you, and you don’t feel that closeness with God, you know the way to get there.”  Immediately Thomas responds in verse 5.  “Thomas said to him, ‘Lord,Continue reading “What it means that Jesus is the embodiment of the way, the truth and the life – John 14:1-14, Part 3”

How Jesus’ death brings light – John 12:12-50, Part 4

Jesus has been talking about his death, which he knows is only a few days away. People in the crowd listening to him respond.  They understand that he is talking about his death, but that confuses them.  Look at John 12 verse 34, “The crowd spoke up, ‘We have heard from the Law that theContinue reading “How Jesus’ death brings light – John 12:12-50, Part 4”

How Jesus brings us life – John 5:16-30, Part 4

As we learned in the previous post, Jesus not only disobeyed the law, he said that could do so because he is God. Thus he put himself in a very precarious position.  Some of the most powerful leaders in the land want to kill him on what they believe are justifiable grounds.  What will JesusContinue reading “How Jesus brings us life – John 5:16-30, Part 4”

You have “zombie” cells in your brain – Easter 2021, Part 1

Did you know you have zombie cells in your brain?  It’s true! Check out the Popular Mechanics article, “After You Die, Zombie Genes in your Brains Come to Life.”  Popular Mechanics is not a science fiction magazine.  It is a real science magazine.  So this article is 100% true.  Zombie genes in your brain comeContinue reading “You have “zombie” cells in your brain – Easter 2021, Part 1″

Why the Teacher in Ecclesiastes wasn’t concerned about heaven or hell – Ecclesiastes 8:16-9:10, Part 3

If you’ve been following this blog series in Ecclesiastes, you have probably noticed that the topic of death has come up…a lot. So what does the Teacher (the writer of Ecclesiastes) believe about the afterlife? Notice what the Teacher says at the end of verse 4: Dorsey’s Translation: “But even a live dog is betterContinue reading “Why the Teacher in Ecclesiastes wasn’t concerned about heaven or hell – Ecclesiastes 8:16-9:10, Part 3”

God has you in his hands? (Is that just Christian mumbo-jumbo?) – Ecclesiastes 8:16-9:10, Part 2

What do you think about the title of this post? God has you in his hands. Christians have been saying that kind of thing for centuries. Is it true? Or is just Christian mumbo-jumbo, feel-good nonsense? As we continue our study in Ecclesiastes, the Teacher (the writer of Ecclesiastes) has some ancient wisdom for us,Continue reading “God has you in his hands? (Is that just Christian mumbo-jumbo?) – Ecclesiastes 8:16-9:10, Part 2”