Is following Jesus difficult? – Growing in Faith Together, Part 3

Some people say that being a Christian is easy. Others say it is difficult. They have a variety of reasons for their perspective. It seems to me that it depends. But let’s evaluate the ease and difficulty of following Jesus from his own words. In Matthew 16:21-26 there’s an interesting story in which Jesus saysContinue reading “Is following Jesus difficult? – Growing in Faith Together, Part 3”

Two very different responses to Jesus’ famous two-word invitation – Growing in Faith Together, Part 1

This time last year I was in India.  The trip came together quite quickly in the fall, and I gradually became more and more excited as the day of my departure neared.  Then just a few days before leaving, something happened that always happens.  I started feeling like I didn’t want to go.  Maybe you’veContinue reading “Two very different responses to Jesus’ famous two-word invitation – Growing in Faith Together, Part 1”

What the Bible says we’re supposed to talk about in the church (and what we actually talk about) – Speaking life to one another, Part 1

This week I welcome guest blogger, Kirk Marks. Kirk is a retired pastor, having served 30+ years in both local churches with his wife, Debbie, and in denominational administration. He has also taught theology and led a pastoral assessment center for many years. He and Debbie, along with their two daughters and son-in-law are membersContinue reading “What the Bible says we’re supposed to talk about in the church (and what we actually talk about) – Speaking life to one another, Part 1”

What do you think about End Times Prophecy? – Q & A, Part 5

This week we take a break from our Relationships in the Church series. At Faith Church this past week I gave a Q & A sermon. I asked the congregation for questions ahead of time, and then I attempted to bring biblical theology to bear on their questions. Here’s the next question: What is Faith Church’sContinue reading “What do you think about End Times Prophecy? – Q & A, Part 5”

Is revival a biblical concept? – Q & A, Part 4

This week we take a break from our Relationships in the Church series. At Faith Church this past week I gave a Q & A sermon. I asked the congregation for questions ahead of time, and then I attempted to bring biblical theology to bear on their questions. Here’s the next question: Is revival a biblicalContinue reading “Is revival a biblical concept? – Q & A, Part 4”

Does evil and suffering in the world negate a loving, all-powerful God? – Q & A, Part 3

This week we take a break from our Relationships in the Church series. At Faith Church this past week I gave a Q & A sermon. I asked the congregation for questions ahead of time, and then I attempted to bring biblical theology to bear on their questions. Here’s the next question: As Christians, howContinue reading “Does evil and suffering in the world negate a loving, all-powerful God? – Q & A, Part 3”

The Bible’s helpful teachings about confronting others – Holding others accountable, Part 4

I hate confrontation. I think most people also hate confrontation. When I have to confront someone, I can delay and avoid like a champ. Then when I can wait no longer, and the confrontation actually happens, I can say far less than I ought to have said. My emotions and fears take over. I can physically shake. I hate it. But ifContinue reading “The Bible’s helpful teachings about confronting others – Holding others accountable, Part 4”

God’s surprising role as judge – Advent Psalm of Celebration, Part 5

At the conclusion of Psalm 98, a psalm of joyous celebration, suddenly, all the joy and praise and glory seems to stop.  Notice how the psalm concludes in verse 9b, “For he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples with equity.” Judge?  What a different tone.  WhatContinue reading “God’s surprising role as judge – Advent Psalm of Celebration, Part 5”

Three important words about salvation that lead to exuberant praise around the globe – Advent Psalm of Celebration, Part 4

Most people enjoy a good celebration. Whether it is New Year’s, a birthday, an anniversary, a victory or achievement of some kind, it is wonderful to gather with friends and loved ones to celebrate. Psalm 98 is a psalm of celebration. In this post we’ll find out why. In Psalm 98, there are three words in verses 1-3Continue reading “Three important words about salvation that lead to exuberant praise around the globe – Advent Psalm of Celebration, Part 4”

Our traditional worship songs/hymns and Christmas Carols are not enough – Advent Psalm of Celebration, Part 2

Right around the end of November, the discussion in our church worship planning session gets around to the question of “When should we start singing Christmas carols?” People love singing Christmas carols. But is it too early to sing only Christmas carols on the first Sunday of Advent? Maybe we should go with 50/50 at least until weekContinue reading “Our traditional worship songs/hymns and Christmas Carols are not enough – Advent Psalm of Celebration, Part 2”