Examining the acts of the sinful nature – Galatians 5:16-26, Part 4

In Galatians 5:19-21, Paul lists some examples of what he calls “the acts of the sinful nature.” It is not a comprehensive list, as that could potentially fill multiple volumes. Instead Paul mentions a dozen or so examples to illustrate how all humans have a sinful nature. In this post we’ll examine his list. I’mContinue reading “Examining the acts of the sinful nature – Galatians 5:16-26, Part 4”

How an ancient case of identity theft can help us get ready for Jesus’ return – 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Part 3

We hear about identity theft frequently, and more than likely, you’ve experienced it yourself. A couple years ago, a person created a fake Gmail account, impersonated me, and emailed my staff, asking them to send gift cards to help a needy person. Thankfully, my staff questioned the veracity of this, alerted me, and we contactedContinue reading “How an ancient case of identity theft can help us get ready for Jesus’ return – 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Part 3”

How the godly fall – Characters: Samson, Part 2

A fall from grace. Maybe you’ve experienced it. Or maybe another’s fall has affected you. There have been a number of high profile such failures, and countless more lower profile examples that don’t get reported in the news. No matter the situation, they impact people deeply, leaving us wonder, “How did that happen?” Parents splitContinue reading “How the godly fall – Characters: Samson, Part 2”

God is in control? [False ideas Christians believe about…God’s involvement in our lives. Part 3]

If God is in control, why does the world seem totally out of control? In the previous post in this series, I referred to three reasons bad things happen. Christians struggle to make sense of evil and pain in the world, just as anyone does. Why would God allow it? Why did he create ourContinue reading “God is in control? [False ideas Christians believe about…God’s involvement in our lives. Part 3]”

Unmasking Halloween

Last week, I asked “What could be wrong with Halloween?” Well…maybe this: The Encyclopedia Britannica notes that Halloween has “its origins in Samhain, one of the most-sinister festivals on the Celtic calendar. The ancient Celts believed that on November 1 the souls of those who had died returned to visit their homes or to journeyContinue reading “Unmasking Halloween”