The primary characteristic of a disciple of Jesus – 1 Samuel 2:12-4:1a, Part 2

What do you think is the primary characteristic of a disciple of Jesus? Think about it a moment. There are numerous potential answers. You might even think of biblical passages that might provide some answers. I think the story that we’ve been following this week on the blog, a story found in 1 Samuel 2:12-4:1a,Continue reading “The primary characteristic of a disciple of Jesus – 1 Samuel 2:12-4:1a, Part 2”

Does evil and suffering in the world negate a loving, all-powerful God? – Q & A, Part 3

This week we take a break from our Relationships in the Church series. At Faith Church this past week I gave a Q & A sermon. I asked the congregation for questions ahead of time, and then I attempted to bring biblical theology to bear on their questions. Here’s the next question: As Christians, howContinue reading “Does evil and suffering in the world negate a loving, all-powerful God? – Q & A, Part 3”

Are you struggling with fear? – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Part 2

Are things in our world getting worse? While politicians boldly declare that crime is on the rise, an FBI report says the opposite: “Not only has violent crime fallen 23% from 2002 to 2022, but also in the past year alone murders fell 6% and violent crime declined 2% overall.” (Source: Time) It can be difficultContinue reading “Are you struggling with fear? – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Part 2”

Why humility, teachability and the Korean concept of Han are vital to confession – Advent Psalm of Confession, Part 5

As we learned in the previous post, when we confess our sins, we are trusting in God.  But there’s more. When we confess our sins, here is what we are to do next, as David writes in Psalm 32, verses 8-9, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; IContinue reading “Why humility, teachability and the Korean concept of Han are vital to confession – Advent Psalm of Confession, Part 5”

What to do when our hearts feel stone cold – Advent Psalm of Confession, Part 3

Israel’s great king, David, has sinned greatly, as we’ve seen in the previous two posts in this series here and here. But with some creatively devious evil thinking, he has covered his sin, and has just one more detail to care for. This is how the story continues in 2 Samuel 11, verses 26-27, “WhenContinue reading “What to do when our hearts feel stone cold – Advent Psalm of Confession, Part 3”

The perfect cover-up for sin? – Advent Psalm of Confession, Part 2

David is in a terrible spot of his own making. He has slept with one of his soldier’s wives, and now she is pregnant. How will this king who is known as “the man after God’s own heart” react?  In 2 Samuel 11, verses 6-9, David concocts a plan: “So David sent this word toContinue reading “The perfect cover-up for sin? – Advent Psalm of Confession, Part 2”

Hidden sins and indiscretions – Advent Psalm of Confession, Part 1

As I write this in December 2023, we’re just three weeks away from Christmas Day. Do you hide Christmas presents and wait until Christmas Eve night to place the gifts under the tree? When you were a child, did you tried to find the hidden gifts and take a peek? Thinking about hiding things, takeContinue reading “Hidden sins and indiscretions – Advent Psalm of Confession, Part 1”

A poem to guide us when we’re dealing with the aftermath of our sin – Advent Psalm of Confession, Preview

In my elementary school years, I had a classmate who annoyed me.  So one day I wrote a note, impersonating him as writing a mean note to a girl, and I threw it in the hallway, thinking someone would pick it up and get him in trouble.  Someone did pick it up, and they informedContinue reading “A poem to guide us when we’re dealing with the aftermath of our sin – Advent Psalm of Confession, Preview”

How to have hope amidst evil in the world – Advent Psalms of Lament, Part 4

This week I welcome guest blogger, Jeff Byerly. Jeff is my pastoral colleague, friend, ThD classmate, and traveling partner! He and his wife Tasha have two daughters, a son-in-law and new grandbaby! As we continue studying the lament of Psalm 137, the psalmist recalls the vicious attack from Israel’s enemies that led to Israel’s captivity.Continue reading “How to have hope amidst evil in the world – Advent Psalms of Lament, Part 4”

Evil spirits are not to be trifled with – Ephesians 6:10-13, Part 3

In our previous posts this week, here and here, we read in Ephesians 6:10-13 where Paul writes that our battle is not against flesh and blood, not against what we can see and touch, but against a spiritual enemy.  That spiritual is the devil and his demonic forces. That immediately sounds ominous and scary. ShouldContinue reading “Evil spirits are not to be trifled with – Ephesians 6:10-13, Part 3”