The world’s longest civil war – Current Events November 2021, Part 3

Can you imagine living in a country that has been enduring a civil war? Most people in the world cannot understand what that must be like. In my own country, the American Civil War in the 1860s was horrific. Reading the history and visiting places like the battlefields of Gettysburg, PA, I am astounded andContinue reading “The world’s longest civil war – Current Events November 2021, Part 3”

What happened when we decided to rent out our church – Current Events Week November 2021, Part 2

Earlier this year, Faith Church made some new neighbors. Just before the Covid pandemic began in March 2020, I received a phone call from a pastoral colleague at one of Faith Church’s sister churches. He was reaching out because another pastor (not from a sister church) had been visiting his church, looking to rent space.Continue reading “What happened when we decided to rent out our church – Current Events Week November 2021, Part 2”

The disciples’ strange reaction when Jesus leaves them – Acts 1, Part 3

Have you ever felt like God is distant from you? No where to be found? Jesus’ disciples felt like that one day because he actually left them. As we continue studying Acts 1, we have arrived at the momentous event described in verses 9-11. I encourage you to open a Bible and read what happens.Continue reading “The disciples’ strange reaction when Jesus leaves them – Acts 1, Part 3”

Telling your story is more important than you think

Hey Christian, you are witnesses of these things! Last week on the sermon intro blog post, I suggested that one bit of Christian lingo, the word “witness,” might not mean what you think it means. So what does “witness” mean?  Jesus says in Luke 24:36-53, that his disciples are all witnesses. They watched his lifeContinue reading “Telling your story is more important than you think”

He is risen? Really? So what?

“He is risen!  He is risen indeed!” This is the call and response that we use on Easter Sunday.  But this Sunday is not Easter Sunday.  That was two months ago.  This Sunday we’re revisiting Easter again.  Why? In the book of Acts we learn that the earliest Christians decided to meet on Sundays becauseContinue reading “He is risen? Really? So what?”

Should we wear crosses or crucifixes?

The cross. Almost every Sunday we sing about the cross.  We have crosses in our church building, and we have a cross outside our building.  How many of you are wearing a cross around your neck? The cross is very common. My task this coming Sunday is to talk about the cross. Once each monthContinue reading “Should we wear crosses or crucifixes?”

How to love and be loved when you are facing hardship

  Are you going through a hard time?  How are you handling it? Some of you have seen The Passion of the Christ which vividly portrays the Roman flogging of Jesus just before they crucified him.  I remember watching that when it first came out in the theater, my stomach churning, tears flowing.  It isContinue reading “How to love and be loved when you are facing hardship”

Have you ever been falsely accused?

Have you ever been wrongfully mistreated or accused?  Have you ever been blamed for something that you didn’t do?  It is a horrible feeling.  You know that deep down inside you have done nothing wrong.  So what do you do? Remember a few years ago when some members of the Duke University men’s lacrosse teamContinue reading “Have you ever been falsely accused?”

What to do when you don’t want to do what God is asking you to do

Jesus did not want to do what God wanted him to do.  Does that surprise you? After 33 years of life and ministry, Jesus is on the cusp of the crowning achievement of his mission.  He was going to be named “King”, but the crown wasn’t going to be so glorious.  In fact, the actualContinue reading “What to do when you don’t want to do what God is asking you to do”

Why our worship will be silent this Sunday at Faith Church – May 8, 2016

A few years ago we started holding Silent Sunday around the time the Christian Church world-wide observes Jesus’ Ascension.  We’re told in the earliest historical account of the first followers of Jesus, the Book of Acts, in chapter 1, that after Jesus ascended to heaven, the very first act his followers decided to do wasContinue reading “Why our worship will be silent this Sunday at Faith Church – May 8, 2016”