How to have a heart like God’s heart – 1st Samuel 13 & 15, Part 5

Saul, through a priest, has beseeched the Lord for his blessing on attacking the fleeing Philistines. God, however, is not answering. How will Saul respond to God’s silence?  Will he be impatient again, unable to wait on the Lord? Actually, no. We read in 1st Samuel 14, verse 38, Saul believes that God’s silence isContinue reading “How to have a heart like God’s heart – 1st Samuel 13 & 15, Part 5”

When (and why) God turned two men into real superheroes – 1st Samuel 13 & 14, Part 4

In my family, I would venture a guess that Batman is the favorite superhero. We’ve watched loads of Batman films and TV shows, and played Batman video games. One of Batman’s signature abilities is a hand-to-hand fighting technique and speed that allows him to fight, successfully, large groups of assailants. Did you know that inContinue reading “When (and why) God turned two men into real superheroes – 1st Samuel 13 & 14, Part 4”

A person with a heart after God’s heart is willing to step out of their comfort zone – 1st Samuel 13 & 14, Part 3

The Philistines have Israel outmanned and outgunned. In the previous two posts here and here, we read in 1st Samuel 13 that a battle is brewing and it is shaping up to be a slaughter. That brings us to 1st Samuel chapter 14.  We read in verse 1, “One day Jonathan son of Saul saidContinue reading “A person with a heart after God’s heart is willing to step out of their comfort zone – 1st Samuel 13 & 14, Part 3”

It’s healthy “heart” week on the blog – 1st Samuel 13 & 14, Part 1

In my family over the past few months, we’ve talked a lot about the heart.  Our granddaughter has had two open heart surgeries.  Here in Lancaster we have The Heart Group. The Heart Group website lists 55 practitioners who are all there to evaluate your heart.  My guess is that you have a medical practiceContinue reading “It’s healthy “heart” week on the blog – 1st Samuel 13 & 14, Part 1″