The battle with “Bigger is Better,” and 2 other battles I wasn’t prepared for…and one great joy – What I wish I would have known before becoming a pastor, Part 5

All week long on the blog, I’ve been trying to answer the question: “What I wish I would have known before becoming a pastor.” In this final post in the series, I have a few more responses. I wasn’t prepared for the Christianity of it all.  My life is in large part wrapped up inContinue reading “The battle with “Bigger is Better,” and 2 other battles I wasn’t prepared for…and one great joy – What I wish I would have known before becoming a pastor, Part 5″

People can see pastors as vending machines – What I wish I would have known before becoming a pastor, Part 4

Pastors are spiritual vending machines.  Well, not really, but some people view their pastors and ministry staff like they view vending machines.  You put your money in, you get your spiritual goods and services out.  We live in a consumer society, so it is very common for people to view most everything in our livesContinue reading “People can see pastors as vending machines – What I wish I would have known before becoming a pastor, Part 4”

Preaching is like packing apples & Church competition can be brutal – What I wish I would have known before becoming a pastor, Part 3

In high school I worked at Hess Bros Fruit Company, packing bags of apples into boxes. Bags come down the conveyor, and I would gently place the bags in boxes, close the box lid, and send it down the line to the box-taping machine.  Then I would do it again.  And again.  And again.  ForContinue reading “Preaching is like packing apples & Church competition can be brutal – What I wish I would have known before becoming a pastor, Part 3”

How The Matrix taught me people are difficult (me included) – What I wish I would have known before becoming a pastor, Part 2

In my first year as senior pastor of Faith Church, I showed a video clip from the R-rated movie The Matrix, attempting to illustrate a sermon. I could have shown a brief clip from the film that was relatively tame, but, no, I had the great idea of showing a ten-minute clip, including then scene whereContinue reading “How The Matrix taught me people are difficult (me included) – What I wish I would have known before becoming a pastor, Part 2”

Three times Jesus invited people to follow him into danger – Growing in Faith Together, Part 2

This week we’re talking about growing in faith together, particularly through the lens of Jesus’ famous phrase “Follow me.” In the previous post, we learned about some of Jesus’ first invitations to people to follow him. Some people accepted the invitation, some were hesitant. In Matthew 9:9, Jesus has another “follow me” invitation, “As JesusContinue reading “Three times Jesus invited people to follow him into danger – Growing in Faith Together, Part 2”

Two very different responses to Jesus’ famous two-word invitation – Growing in Faith Together, Part 1

This time last year I was in India.  The trip came together quite quickly in the fall, and I gradually became more and more excited as the day of my departure neared.  Then just a few days before leaving, something happened that always happens.  I started feeling like I didn’t want to go.  Maybe you’veContinue reading “Two very different responses to Jesus’ famous two-word invitation – Growing in Faith Together, Part 1”

Jesus’ famous two-word phrase that relates to…Growing in Faith Together, Preview

Since the beginning of 2024, we’ve been studying what the Bible has to say about relationships in the church family.  The seven topics so far in the series have each talked about how a church family is to be together.  Meeting together was one of the topicss.  But how do we meet together?  What doContinue reading “Jesus’ famous two-word phrase that relates to…Growing in Faith Together, Preview”

How to study scripture like the first Christians – Studying scripture together, Part 5

As we think about studying scripture together, I want to point out an interesting episode in the early church that occurs during one of Paul’s mission trips. In Acts 17:10-12, we learn that, “As soon as it was night, the believers sent Paul and Silas away to Berea. On arriving there, they went to the JewishContinue reading “How to study scripture like the first Christians – Studying scripture together, Part 5”

The problem with contemporary worship services – Study Scripture together, Part 4

The first Christians demonstrated communal Bible study.  In Acts 2:42-47, the very first description of the very first church, we learn that the church was devoted to the apostles’ teaching.  We read that they were together.  The met in the temple courts and in homes.  Add up those statements, and we can see how theContinue reading “The problem with contemporary worship services – Study Scripture together, Part 4”

How personal Bible study was created – Studying Scripture together, Part 3

Would it surprise you to learn that for most Christians across the two millennia of the history of the church, study of God’s written word was accomplished together with other Christians? We contemporary Christians are used to the idea of personal Bible study.  Personal devotions.  Reading the Bible by ourselves.  Reading through the whole BibleContinue reading “How personal Bible study was created – Studying Scripture together, Part 3”