It’s healthy “heart” week on the blog – 1st Samuel 13 & 14, Part 1

In my family over the past few months, we’ve talked a lot about the heart.  Our granddaughter has had two open heart surgeries.  Here in Lancaster we have The Heart Group. The Heart Group website lists 55 practitioners who are all there to evaluate your heart.  My guess is that you have a medical practiceContinue reading “It’s healthy “heart” week on the blog – 1st Samuel 13 & 14, Part 1″

Can you have a defective heart and not know it? – 1st Samuel 13 & 14, Preview

This past week I attended my denomination’s, the Evangelical Congregational (EC) Church’s, National Conference at Messiah University.  At conference lots of people have asked about my granddaughter, Lily, who was born in January, and who has been on a four-month journey with a heart defect corrected through multiple open heart surgeries.  Those conversations have oftenContinue reading “Can you have a defective heart and not know it? – 1st Samuel 13 & 14, Preview”

Leadership transitions are often difficult – 1st Samuel 11 & 12, Part 3

My daughter ran the 4×800 relay on her track team, so over the years I’ve witnessed many baton hand-offs like the one depicted above. The hand-off can be tricky. Every so often the hand-off doesn’t go well, as the baton is fumbled or dropped. Transitions in leadership are likewise complex. Will the outgoing leader prepareContinue reading “Leadership transitions are often difficult – 1st Samuel 11 & 12, Part 3”

How the Spirit of God transforms us – 1st Samuel 11 & 12, Part 2

The Ammonites have laid siege to the Israelite town of Jabesh Gilead, threatening to gouge out the right eyes of all the men in the town. Desperate, the people of Jabesh send messengers around Israel begging for help from their countrymen. How will Israel respond to this threat? How will Israel’s new king respond toContinue reading “How the Spirit of God transforms us – 1st Samuel 11 & 12, Part 2”

When life boxes you in – 1st Samuel 11 & 12, Part 1

I recently listened to a podcast about ocean temperatures.  Ocean temperatures are rising.  They have been rising for many years.  But in 2023, they rose faster than normal.  Rising ocean temperatures are concerning.  Fast rising ocean temperatures are really concerning.  This is not a post about the environment, though sometime I should write about caringContinue reading “When life boxes you in – 1st Samuel 11 & 12, Part 1”

The diminishment of the American presidency – 1st Samuel 8-10, Part 5

A few years ago I was in a doctoral class about leadership, and we were talking about the American presidential election coming soon. My professor made what I thought was a very irresponsible comment, “The person in the White House matters very little.” My professor is a deep thinker, so I was surprised to hearContinue reading “The diminishment of the American presidency – 1st Samuel 8-10, Part 5”

The king who didn’t want to be king – 1st Samuel 8-10, Part 4

This week I’ve been blogging about the story of Israel asking for a king. God is their king, but they want a human king. Amazing God grants their wish, and in the last post we met the king. He’s a man name Saul. As the story in 1st Samuel chapter unfolds, Saul searches for hisContinue reading “The king who didn’t want to be king – 1st Samuel 8-10, Part 4”

How to have victory over darkness – Acts 13, Part 3

Do you ever sense the battle of light versus dark, good versus evil? Do sense that there might be a spiritual war going on? Do you ever feel defeated? It is possible to have victory over darkness. In our study through Acts we’ve see that battle numerous times. In chapter 8 Philip faced off againstContinue reading “How to have victory over darkness – Acts 13, Part 3”

God designed you for mission – Acts 11:19-30, Part 4

What were you created to do? Do you know? What gifts, abilities and aptitudes do you have? Are you using them for a mission in the world? In this post we learn about how God wants all to be on mission, and how he has equipped us for mission! In the previous post, we learnedContinue reading “God designed you for mission – Acts 11:19-30, Part 4”

How you are vital to the mission of Jesus in our world today – Acts 9:1-31, Part 5

So often history follows the leaders, but we also need a People’s History of the Church, where we learn from the stories of the common people.  There are thousands and millions of supporting actors whose faithfulness and sacrifice in small ways provides a foundation for the advancement of the Kingdom.  Many people like you andContinue reading “How you are vital to the mission of Jesus in our world today – Acts 9:1-31, Part 5”