This year, instead of resolutions, make a Rule of Life – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Part 5

What guides your life? Do you have a plan? My suspicion is that most people haven’t thought about a plan for their lives. Instead many of have vague thoughts about working till quitting time, or working for the weekend, or making it to retirement. Perhaps when children come along, we devote our lives to them. Perhaps we focus on lovingContinue reading “This year, instead of resolutions, make a Rule of Life – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Part 5”

The important lesson pets can teach us about trust – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Part 4

My dog turned 9 years old earlier last month.  It is likely he only has at most a few more years to live.  That is to be expected.  Dogs make it 12-15 years and die.  It is sad.  It will be sad.  But many people get past the sadness, and they get a new dog. Continue reading “The important lesson pets can teach us about trust – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Part 4”

Why you don’t know your great-grandparents’ names – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Part 3

My 2yr-old grandson calls me “Pop-Pop,” because I wanted to be called “Pop-Pop” after my grandfather.  He calls my wife, “Grammy” because that’s what some of our best friends’ daughter called her grandmother, who was another close friend who passed away in 2020 after battling cancer.  These are both individuals we loved and admired.  WeContinue reading “Why you don’t know your great-grandparents’ names – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Part 3”

Are you struggling with fear? – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Part 2

Are things in our world getting worse? While politicians boldly declare that crime is on the rise, an FBI report says the opposite: “Not only has violent crime fallen 23% from 2002 to 2022, but also in the past year alone murders fell 6% and violent crime declined 2% overall.” (Source: Time) It can be difficultContinue reading “Are you struggling with fear? – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Part 2”

How to listen to a…New Years Psalm of Wisdom, Part 1

While it is true that New Year’s Day is just another day of year, I’m glad for a marker.  Yes, today, New Year’s Day 2024, is just another Monday.  A day off for people who work at companies that give off for New Year’s Day.  An extra day of family, food, football.  But I amContinue reading “How to listen to a…New Years Psalm of Wisdom, Part 1”

An evaluation of our lives – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Preview

Each time I teach a class for Lancaster Bible College, there is a course evaluation.  It’s not just my classes.  Every LBC class includes an evaluation.  Here’s how it works: all students in the class are sent an email with a link that they can click on to evaluate the course.  In my experience, aboutContinue reading “An evaluation of our lives – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Preview”

Not so fast 2021…why we needed 2020 – Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:8, Part 1

A new year is upon us!  Are you excited?  On one hand, the switch from December 31, 2020 to January 1, 2021 this coming Thursday night is the same as any old Thursday night.  It is one day, then the next day.  Sure, we get a long holiday weekend, which is nice, but New Year’sContinue reading “Not so fast 2021…why we needed 2020 – Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:8, Part 1”

Are you dressed and ready?

Why did you chose to wear the clothing you have on today?  Clothing is often about form rather than function.  We want to look good, look appropriate. But clothing is also about function.  Do you wear a uniform for your job?  Or perhaps your employer or hobby requires you to wear clothing that makes theContinue reading “Are you dressed and ready?”