When pain is like a house guest that wears out their welcome – Advent Psalm of Thanksgiving, Preview

The holiday season is in full swing, having started a few weeks ago with Thanksgiving and lasting until after New Year’s Day.  During the holidays, many people will spend time with family.  On Thanksgiving my family had lunch at my parents and dinner at my in-laws.  Thankfully, they live only 5 minutes apart.  Over theContinue reading “When pain is like a house guest that wears out their welcome – Advent Psalm of Thanksgiving, Preview”

Why display lights for Christmas? – Christmas 2022, Part 1

One of the reasons I enjoy driving on a clear evening during the holidays is that there are so many Christmas lights out.  In my opinion, LED technology has enhanced Christmas lights.  They are precise and bright and fairly inexpensive.  There are people who put candles in their windows, or throw a few lights aroundContinue reading “Why display lights for Christmas? – Christmas 2022, Part 1”

Do you dread holiday family gatherings? – Characters: Ruth, Part 1

I recently heard a news report about a family fighting their home owners association because the family put up Christmas decorations on November 1st, and the home owners association said it was too early.  I don’t know if there is a right or wrong time to put up holiday decorations.  Our local Lowes was sellingContinue reading “Do you dread holiday family gatherings? – Characters: Ruth, Part 1”

When holidays are depressing [Third Sunday of Advent]

Editor’s Note: I’m playing catch-up with blogging Faith Church’s sermons. My doctoral coursework, a heavy load grading online classes I teach, and the holidays landed simultaneously these past few weeks! So before we jump back to the Deuteronomy series, I’ll survey the last few weeks of Advent, belatedly, of course. On the Third Sunday ofContinue reading “When holidays are depressing [Third Sunday of Advent]”

Celebrating with aliens, the fatherless and widows [God’s heart for the holidays, part 5]

In this series of posts, we are seeking to learn God’s heart for the holidays in Deuteronomy 16, through three feasts he asks Israel to keep every year.  In the previous few posts, God expresses his heart for remembering, and in this fifth and final post, we’re going to look at two more themes.  TheContinue reading “Celebrating with aliens, the fatherless and widows [God’s heart for the holidays, part 5]”

Why I observe the Christian Calendar [God’s heart for the holidays, part 4]

Does your church follow the Christian calendar?  Just as God instituted feasts for the people of Israel to follow, ancient Christians created feasts as well.  That Christian calendar, while not commanded by God in his New Covenant with the church, is designed to help Christians remember and re-enact the story of Jesus, very much likeContinue reading “Why I observe the Christian Calendar [God’s heart for the holidays, part 4]”

Celebrating his provision [God’s heart for the holidays, part 3]

In this series of posts we are seeking to discover God’s heart for the holidays.  He truly does care about holidays!  So we have been looking at three feasts he commanded the people of Israel to observe every year, with the goal of learning his heart so that we Christians might be able to applyContinue reading “Celebrating his provision [God’s heart for the holidays, part 3]”

Re-enacting to remember [God’s heart for the holidays, part 2]

A few years ago the Gettysburg Battlefield celebrated the 150th anniversary of the terrible and momentous events of July 1-3, 1863 during our nation’s Civil War.  Because my family lives about an hour away, we visited the battlefield hoping to see re-enactors.  While we were there before any full battle re-enactment took place, at oneContinue reading “Re-enacting to remember [God’s heart for the holidays, part 2]”

Giving our firsts to God [God’s heart for the holidays, part 1]

In your mind, can you recite the cycle of national holidays that tell the story of America. Get out a piece of paper, or start typing in a document.  See if you can list out our holidays.  Here’s a hint: where do you think we should start?  July 4th, of course!  There would be noContinue reading “Giving our firsts to God [God’s heart for the holidays, part 1]”