People can see pastors as vending machines – What I wish I would have known before becoming a pastor, Part 4

Pastors are spiritual vending machines.  Well, not really, but some people view their pastors and ministry staff like they view vending machines.  You put your money in, you get your spiritual goods and services out.  We live in a consumer society, so it is very common for people to view most everything in our livesContinue reading “People can see pastors as vending machines – What I wish I would have known before becoming a pastor, Part 4”

The important lesson pets can teach us about trust – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Part 4

My dog turned 9 years old earlier last month.  It is likely he only has at most a few more years to live.  That is to be expected.  Dogs make it 12-15 years and die.  It is sad.  It will be sad.  But many people get past the sadness, and they get a new dog. Continue reading “The important lesson pets can teach us about trust – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Part 4”

Why you don’t know your great-grandparents’ names – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Part 3

My 2yr-old grandson calls me “Pop-Pop,” because I wanted to be called “Pop-Pop” after my grandfather.  He calls my wife, “Grammy” because that’s what some of our best friends’ daughter called her grandmother, who was another close friend who passed away in 2020 after battling cancer.  These are both individuals we loved and admired.  WeContinue reading “Why you don’t know your great-grandparents’ names – New Year Psalm of Wisdom, Part 3”

This too shall pass – Advent Psalm of Thanksgiving, Part 4

As we study Psalm 30 this week, we’re discovering it’s parallel structure. We found its first matching pair of lines here, and we found its second pair here. To search for its third coupling, we first look at verses 4-5.  These two verses are loaded with praise to God because, David says, God’s favor that lastsContinue reading “This too shall pass – Advent Psalm of Thanksgiving, Part 4”

How Jesus’ death brings light – John 12:12-50, Part 4

Jesus has been talking about his death, which he knows is only a few days away. People in the crowd listening to him respond.  They understand that he is talking about his death, but that confuses them.  Look at John 12 verse 34, “The crowd spoke up, ‘We have heard from the Law that theContinue reading “How Jesus’ death brings light – John 12:12-50, Part 4”

Would you like to know your DOD? – John 12:12-50, Preview

What would you do if you knew the date of your death?  Could you imagine if that data were available to us?  We’re accustomed to putting our DOB on all sorts of forms, but what if we knew our DOD? What would you be thinking and feeling if you knew exactly how much longer you had?Continue reading “Would you like to know your DOD? – John 12:12-50, Preview”

How to experience eternal life now…before you die – John 3:1-21, Part 4

Do you have eternal life? Not sure? You can know…now. In John 3:14-15, we read the first time in the Gospel of John that Jesus gives us a hint of how he will die. Jesus refers to a situation from Israel’s history in the Old Testament book of Numbers, chapter 21, verses 8-9.  The peopleContinue reading “How to experience eternal life now…before you die – John 3:1-21, Part 4”

Worship: Cry Out Together – Psalm 77, Part 5

This week I welcome guest blogger, Clint Watkins, as he shares with us how his personal experience of loss and pain led him to learn how to seize hope through lament. If you want to learn more about Clint, please visit his website. As we conclude our study of Psalm 77, did you notice thatContinue reading “Worship: Cry Out Together – Psalm 77, Part 5”

Wait: Linger in Redemption – Psalm 77, Part 4

This week I welcome guest blogger, Clint Watkins, as he shares with us how his personal experience of loss and pain led him to learn how to seize hope through lament. If you want to learn more about Clint, please visit his website. In Psalm 77, verses 1-15, Asaph has taught us that when weContinue reading “Wait: Linger in Redemption – Psalm 77, Part 4”

How do we deal with loss and pain – Psalm 77, Preview

Last week I traveled with my brother and sister to a family funeral in Fredericksburg, Virginia.  There we joined my parents and some aunts, uncles and cousins to support my aunt and her family, as her husband, my uncle, had rather suddenly passed away the week before.  He was only 69.  While he had beenContinue reading “How do we deal with loss and pain – Psalm 77, Preview”