When (and why) God turned two men into real superheroes – 1st Samuel 13 & 14, Part 4

In my family, I would venture a guess that Batman is the favorite superhero. We’ve watched loads of Batman films and TV shows, and played Batman video games. One of Batman’s signature abilities is a hand-to-hand fighting technique and speed that allows him to fight, successfully, large groups of assailants. Did you know that inContinue reading “When (and why) God turned two men into real superheroes – 1st Samuel 13 & 14, Part 4”

When Batman was foiled by his mom – The Belt of Truth, Preview

When my son was just a little guy, he was convinced that he was Batman.  And he had a point.  You never saw Batman and my son in the same place, did you?  Nope. At the time, we lived in the city of Lancaster, and our home had only street-side parking.  Some evenings when mostContinue reading “When Batman was foiled by his mom – The Belt of Truth, Preview”