Why King Saul was wrong for sacrificing to God – 1st Samuel 13 & 14, Part 2

Have you ever been caught doing the wrong thing, but just that quickly your mind is spinning a rationale to make yourself appear as thought you were doing the right thing?  It’s human nature.  We hate getting caught!  In the previous post, we learned in 1st Samuel 13 that King Saul didn’t wait for theContinue reading “Why King Saul was wrong for sacrificing to God – 1st Samuel 13 & 14, Part 2”

Can you have a defective heart and not know it? – 1st Samuel 13 & 14, Preview

This past week I attended my denomination’s, the Evangelical Congregational (EC) Church’s, National Conference at Messiah University.  At conference lots of people have asked about my granddaughter, Lily, who was born in January, and who has been on a four-month journey with a heart defect corrected through multiple open heart surgeries.  Those conversations have oftenContinue reading “Can you have a defective heart and not know it? – 1st Samuel 13 & 14, Preview”