The perfect cover-up for sin? – Advent Psalm of Confession, Part 2

David is in a terrible spot of his own making. He has slept with one of his soldier’s wives, and now she is pregnant. How will this king who is known as “the man after God’s own heart” react?  In 2 Samuel 11, verses 6-9, David concocts a plan: “So David sent this word toContinue reading “The perfect cover-up for sin? – Advent Psalm of Confession, Part 2”

A poem to guide us when we’re dealing with the aftermath of our sin – Advent Psalm of Confession, Preview

In my elementary school years, I had a classmate who annoyed me.  So one day I wrote a note, impersonating him as writing a mean note to a girl, and I threw it in the hallway, thinking someone would pick it up and get him in trouble.  Someone did pick it up, and they informedContinue reading “A poem to guide us when we’re dealing with the aftermath of our sin – Advent Psalm of Confession, Preview”