What to do when our hearts feel stone cold – Advent Psalm of Confession, Part 3

Israel’s great king, David, has sinned greatly, as we’ve seen in the previous two posts in this series here and here. But with some creatively devious evil thinking, he has covered his sin, and has just one more detail to care for. This is how the story continues in 2 Samuel 11, verses 26-27, “WhenContinue reading “What to do when our hearts feel stone cold – Advent Psalm of Confession, Part 3”

The perfect cover-up for sin? – Advent Psalm of Confession, Part 2

David is in a terrible spot of his own making. He has slept with one of his soldier’s wives, and now she is pregnant. How will this king who is known as “the man after God’s own heart” react?  In 2 Samuel 11, verses 6-9, David concocts a plan: “So David sent this word toContinue reading “The perfect cover-up for sin? – Advent Psalm of Confession, Part 2”

Hidden sins and indiscretions – Advent Psalm of Confession, Part 1

As I write this in December 2023, we’re just three weeks away from Christmas Day. Do you hide Christmas presents and wait until Christmas Eve night to place the gifts under the tree? When you were a child, did you tried to find the hidden gifts and take a peek? Thinking about hiding things, takeContinue reading “Hidden sins and indiscretions – Advent Psalm of Confession, Part 1”