The musical therapist who treated spiritual oppression – 1st Samuel 16, Part 4

Does God control evil spirits and sends them to torment people?  In the previous post which mentioned 1 Samuel 16 verse 14, we learned that “Saul had an evil spirit from the Lord that tormented him.”  That’s not how I think about God!  Does God send demons to do his bidding?  That’s what Satan isContinue reading “The musical therapist who treated spiritual oppression – 1st Samuel 16, Part 4”

Is accountability disobedient to Jesus? – Holding others accountable, Part 1

I have an app on my laptop and phone called Ever Accountable.  It’s there to monitor everything I do online.  It is watching me.  I can’t see it, of course, but I know it is there because I installed it.  It’s not perfect.  It doesn’t have God-like abilities to know everything.  But it’s good enough. Continue reading “Is accountability disobedient to Jesus? – Holding others accountable, Part 1”