How to encourage others in tough times – Acts 9:1-31, Part 4

Do you have a nickname? I love nicknames. I don’t believe I’ve ever had one that stuck, though. Sometimes nicknames meander through a progression, like the nickname Michael Scott gives Daryl Philbin on the TV show, The Office: “Michael refers to him as “Mittah Rogers”—a nickname which began as “Regis” (as Darryl’s last name isContinue reading “How to encourage others in tough times – Acts 9:1-31, Part 4”

How a big basket teaches us to pursue Jesus’ mission during the pandemic (or any other time)- Acts 9:1-31, Part 3

Are you thinking differently about any aspects of life because of the coronavirus pandemic? I am. As I, and every single other person, was wearing a mask in the grocery story the other, it struck me how rapidly things change. Three months ago, if you told me that scene was about to happen in justContinue reading “How a big basket teaches us to pursue Jesus’ mission during the pandemic (or any other time)- Acts 9:1-31, Part 3”

When Jesus asks you to help your enemy – Acts 9:1-31, Part 2

Who in your life is very difficult? Who bothers you? Who is that person you really try to avoid? Maybe it is more than one person. Let’s start by thinking about that person. What makes them so distasteful to you that you want to avoid them? Keep that in mind, because today we meet aContinue reading “When Jesus asks you to help your enemy – Acts 9:1-31, Part 2”

Is your view of life upside-down? – Characters: David & Goliath, Part 3

Have you ever been in a situation where you were convinced you were right, but ultimately found out you were wrong? It can be shocking when that happens. We tend to go about life trusting our intuition, our viewpoint, and when we are believing something we think is so obvious, only to discover that weContinue reading “Is your view of life upside-down? – Characters: David & Goliath, Part 3”