When we can and should judge in a church family – Holding others accountable, Part 3

In 2013 my congregation’s leaders proposed a significant change to who could become leaders in the church.  Prior to 2013, we had a system where, at our annual congregational meeting, people were voted onto our various serve teams.  Then at the beginning of the year, at the first serve team meeting, the members of theContinue reading “When we can and should judge in a church family – Holding others accountable, Part 3”

Is accountability disobedient to Jesus? – Holding others accountable, Part 1

I have an app on my laptop and phone called Ever Accountable.  It’s there to monitor everything I do online.  It is watching me.  I can’t see it, of course, but I know it is there because I installed it.  It’s not perfect.  It doesn’t have God-like abilities to know everything.  But it’s good enough. Continue reading “Is accountability disobedient to Jesus? – Holding others accountable, Part 1”