How the aging process can help us evaluate the past year – Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:8, Part 3

Years ago, one of the home-bound members of my church family, who has since passed away, described for the me the process of her ever-decreasing eyesight.  She said that it was only during the bright sunlight of the day that she could see around her room.  As the months and years went by, the darknessContinue reading “How the aging process can help us evaluate the past year – Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:8, Part 3”

How do we evaluate the dumpster fire that was 2020? – Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:8, Part 2

How do we evaluate 2020? As I mentioned in the previous post, it could be very easy to just say it was so bad that there is nothing to learn. Instead, we should have the posture of learners, no matter the situation, and the next passage in Ecclesiastes is a wonderful guide to help usContinue reading “How do we evaluate the dumpster fire that was 2020? – Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:8, Part 2”

Not so fast 2021…why we needed 2020 – Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:8, Part 1

A new year is upon us!  Are you excited?  On one hand, the switch from December 31, 2020 to January 1, 2021 this coming Thursday night is the same as any old Thursday night.  It is one day, then the next day.  Sure, we get a long holiday weekend, which is nice, but New Year’sContinue reading “Not so fast 2021…why we needed 2020 – Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:8, Part 1”

What people need to know about Christmas – Honest Advent Bonus Post

For Christmas Eve, Faith Church included as part of our worship service, the excellent depiction of the Christmas Story as told by the TV show The Chosen. Before continuing with this post, I urge you to watch the episode below: As I watched the first part of the video, the introduction felt very familiar.  RememberContinue reading “What people need to know about Christmas – Honest Advent Bonus Post”

How to have and express joy in the difficulties of 2020 – Ecclesiastes 8:9-15, Part 3

It can seem almost wrong to say that we should have joy in 2020. This year has been a nonstop slog of hardship. And yet, in the previous post we learned that God is and always will be actively involved in the world. As a result, it makes perfect sense how the Teacher concludes thisContinue reading “How to have and express joy in the difficulties of 2020 – Ecclesiastes 8:9-15, Part 3”

What to remember when life seems unfair or hopeless – Ecclesiastes 8:9-15, Part 2

Sometimes life DOES seem hopeless.  How do we live wisely then?  This week on the blog, we’re studying Ecclesiastes 8:9-15, and yesterday we saw how the Teacher (the writer of Ecclesiastes) suggests that life can be so unfair. Let’s follow the Teacher’s logic: Here are verses 12-14 in Dorsey’s translation: “12 Nevertheless, although a wickedContinue reading “What to remember when life seems unfair or hopeless – Ecclesiastes 8:9-15, Part 2”

Sick and tired of 2020? – Ecclesiastes 8:9-15, Part 1

This fall I’m teaching an online class: The Gospels, the Life of Jesus.  In a recent assignment the students were to find a current events article that somehow connects to what we had been studying in the Gospel of Mark.  One student found an article which reported that more than likely, even if there isContinue reading “Sick and tired of 2020? – Ecclesiastes 8:9-15, Part 1”

How Christians need to be like the Human Carpet after the election – Current Events 2020 Q4, Part 5

Have you heard of the Human Carpet? He gets paid to go to parties where people can walk all over him.  They can jump on him.  Sit on him for hours.  Surf on him.  One time he did this for 11 straight hours! He wraps himself in a carpet, lays down and has never been hurtContinue reading “How Christians need to be like the Human Carpet after the election – Current Events 2020 Q4, Part 5”

The way to have a better life…now – Ecclesiastes 7:1-14, Part 5

I love the encouragement of this picture. With two and a half months to go in 2020, many of us are holding out for a better life in 2021. Here in the USA, the bitter presidential election will be over. It seems that we will get beyond Covid in 2021. So does that mean, asContinue reading “The way to have a better life…now – Ecclesiastes 7:1-14, Part 5”

A poem that can help you have a better life? – Ecclesiastes 7:1-14, Part 1

Have you ever longed for a better world?  2020 is a good year to long for a better world, isn’t it?  Or maybe I should say it is an easy year to long for a better world?  But while it is easy to long for a better world, actually achieving that better world can seemContinue reading “A poem that can help you have a better life? – Ecclesiastes 7:1-14, Part 1”