Hope when you are feeling trapped – 1st Samuel 11 & 12, Part 5

In 1st Samuel 11 & 12, we’ve seen numerous references to fear.  Unhealthy, ungodly fear, as well as godly fear of the Lord.  We Christians can learn much from this.    On the eve of his crucifixion, Jesus had his last supper with his disciples, and he said to them: “Do not let your heartsContinue reading “Hope when you are feeling trapped – 1st Samuel 11 & 12, Part 5”

Leadership transitions are often difficult – 1st Samuel 11 & 12, Part 3

My daughter ran the 4×800 relay on her track team, so over the years I’ve witnessed many baton hand-offs like the one depicted above. The hand-off can be tricky. Every so often the hand-off doesn’t go well, as the baton is fumbled or dropped. Transitions in leadership are likewise complex. Will the outgoing leader prepareContinue reading “Leadership transitions are often difficult – 1st Samuel 11 & 12, Part 3”

How the Spirit of God transforms us – 1st Samuel 11 & 12, Part 2

The Ammonites have laid siege to the Israelite town of Jabesh Gilead, threatening to gouge out the right eyes of all the men in the town. Desperate, the people of Jabesh send messengers around Israel begging for help from their countrymen. How will Israel respond to this threat? How will Israel’s new king respond toContinue reading “How the Spirit of God transforms us – 1st Samuel 11 & 12, Part 2”

The state of fear in America – 1st Samuel 11-12, Preview

What keeps you up at night?  Ever experience the syndrome where you cannot turn your mind off because you’re thinking about stuff?  I fall asleep rather easily, but if I wake up in the middle of night, usually to use the restroom, anxious thoughts can creep in my mind, and it can be so difficultContinue reading “The state of fear in America – 1st Samuel 11-12, Preview”