Celebrating with aliens, the fatherless and widows [God’s heart for the holidays, part 5]

In this series of posts, we are seeking to learn God’s heart for the holidays in Deuteronomy 16, through three feasts he asks Israel to keep every year.  In the previous few posts, God expresses his heart for remembering, and in this fifth and final post, we’re going to look at two more themes.  TheContinue reading “Celebrating with aliens, the fatherless and widows [God’s heart for the holidays, part 5]”

Re-enacting to remember [God’s heart for the holidays, part 2]

A few years ago the Gettysburg Battlefield celebrated the 150th anniversary of the terrible and momentous events of July 1-3, 1863 during our nation’s Civil War.  Because my family lives about an hour away, we visited the battlefield hoping to see re-enactors.  While we were there before any full battle re-enactment took place, at oneContinue reading “Re-enacting to remember [God’s heart for the holidays, part 2]”

Giving our firsts to God [God’s heart for the holidays, part 1]

In your mind, can you recite the cycle of national holidays that tell the story of America. Get out a piece of paper, or start typing in a document.  See if you can list out our holidays.  Here’s a hint: where do you think we should start?  July 4th, of course!  There would be noContinue reading “Giving our firsts to God [God’s heart for the holidays, part 1]”